Khasiat sawi

while the main liaison triptotan a neuronal protein and regulatory patterns (neurobehaviour} that affect diet, awareness, perception of pain, and sleep patterns.

Mustard also has a very good calcium. Calcium is one of the most important minerals needed by the body. Consumption of calcium is less than demand can cause brittle bone integrity and osteoporosis at an early age, especially in women.


High calcium content in cabbage can reduce the loss of bone weight is common in the elderly. High blood pressure can also be caused by low levels of calcium in the blood.

Another significant mineral in the mustard is magnesium. The content of magnesium in mustard is very useful to reduce stress and help establish a good sleep pattern.

Desist Various Kinds of Cancer

Cabbage is a vegetable that is very helpful for preventing various diseases, especially cancer. This was due to the high levels of phytochemical compounds in mustard, particularly glucosinolates. In the plants, glucosinolates react with the enzyme mirosinase, generating the active component indole and isothiocyanate.

Indole and isothiocyanate serves to reduce the potential for cancer because of the ability of the two components of the set of enzymes that detoxify the liver function. Indoles and isothiocyanates can also inhibit an enzyme that causes the formation of carcinogens (cancer-causing).

A study conducted at Ohio State University show that isothiocyanate compounds can inhibit cancer cells. This compound is derived from glucosinolate compounds that change after vegetables bitten, chewed and digested.

From some of the results of epidemiological studies, Park and Pezzuto (2002) reported that the consumption of vegetables of the genus Brassica (including mustard) can lower the risk of various cancers, namely breast, prostate, kidney, colon, bladder, and lung. Consume three or more servings of these vegetables can reduce the risk of prostate cancer compared with the consumption of only one serving per week. It was also reported that consumption of Brassica vegetables as much as 1-2 servings / day can reduce the risk of breast cancer by 20-40 percent.

Mustard is also useful for preventing bladder cancer. Bladder cancer is a disease that is the most frightening. Recorded 11,000 people are diagnosed with cancer in the UK and more than 30 percent of his died from the disease. A study conducted by Dr. Steven Schwartz from Ohio State University show that isothiocyanate compounds may slash bladder cancer cells, especially aggressive cells that tend to quickly spread throughout the body.

Cabbage also contains sulforafan who also are anticancer. A publication in the Journal of Nutrition in 2004 showed that the content of sulforafan are abundant in Brassica group is very effective at preventing the growth of breast cancer cells. Paul Talalay, Johns Hopkins pharmacological, asserted that sulforafan known to increase the production of phase II enzymes in the liver.

This enzyme plays a role transporting carcinogenic substances produced from the compound prokarsinogen and throw it out of the cell.

Lower LDL, Increase HDL

The content of vitamin E, beta-carotene, and vitamin C in cabbage is very good for cholesterol and prevent heart disease. All three of these substances are very helpful to prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol.

The content of vitamin B6, folic acid, and magnesium in mustard also has the potential to prevent heart disease. Vitamin B6 and folic acid can inhibit the formation of homocysteine​​, which is a compound that can clog blood vessels and thus potentially lead to heart disease.

A study in the United States in 1995 showed that the consumption of 400 micrograms of folic acid per day could prevent 28,000 deaths each year from heart disease. The content of magnesium in mustard also prevent high blood pressure and heart disease.

Mustard greens also contain niacin. Niacin can lower cholesterol levels and increase levels of HDL (good cholesterol). Niacin plays a role in stimulating the formation of prostaglandin 12, the hormone that helps prevent the collection of platelet aggregation. Thus, niacin can reduce the atherosclerosis process and ultimately decrease the likelihood of heart attacks.

Not Good for Kidney Patients

Mustard is one of the many foods that contain oxalate. Too high content of oxalate in the body can lead to crystallization that leads to the formation of stones. Therefore, those with kidney disorders should avoid the excessive consumption of mustard.

The content of oxalate can inhibit the absorption of calcium in the body. High content of vitamin C in cabbage will also encourage the formation of oxalate in the body.

Cabbage also contains goitrogen, are compounds that can inhibit the function of the thyroid gland. Functioning thyroid gland to produce the hormone thyroxine iodine from mineral raw materials. Inhibition of the function of the thyroid gland will cause goitre (goiter).

According Cahanar and Suhanda (2006), although it does not yet have the scientific data with certainty, the cooking process can inactivate mustard goitrogen component. Therefore, no need to worry about eating mustard greens, all the ingredients have cooked until done